Environmental Control Division (ECD)
This Division is responsible for providing services that would allow for a clean, safe, and aesthetically pleasing environment as well as the prevention of vector borne diseases. These services include:
- Scavenging and its support services such as sweeping and bagging of litter in commercial areas, main thoroughfares, and other designated areas.
- Bulk waste collection and disposal.
- Insect vector control.
- Cutlassing of verges along main water courses and vacant lots/spaces.
- Canine control.
- Fecal waste collection and disposal.
- Underground clearance and clearing of main water courses.
- Brush cutting, clearing and maintenance of cemeteries.
- Desilting and clearing of roadsides, drains and manholes.
- Cleaning of public conveniences and markets.
To request a service (Bulk Waste Collection, Cesspit & Soak Away Cleaning, Clearing of Overgrown Drains) click HERE