The following guidelines outline the approved procedure for construction and demolition work to be carried out in San Fernando. For further clarification please contact the Engineering Department at City Hall for further information.
You are to note that the under mentioned is conditional and subject to your response in writing or submitted online, stating that you have accepted the conditions.
(a) Form A & B to be filled out (obtainable at the San Fernando City Corporation Building Inspectors Office) and submitted to the Chief Executive Officer. (Rates and Taxes must be paid).
(b) You, your servant and / or agents must cordon-off and make safe the area over which the works are to be carried out and if required the services of the police (Traffic Division) must be sought.
(c) All vehicles and equipment to be parked and loaded on site; no parking of vehicles on street.
(d) You must clearly identify the site limits and advance warning devices and signs placed strategically for the benefit of pedestrians and vehicular traffic, traversing the immediate work environs.
(e) The area must be kept cleaned, cleared and free from all debris at all times.
(f) The City Engineer must be provided with a programme of works. Upon completion, a site visit is to be arranged to facilitate an inspection of the remedial works, to ensure that if confirms to the specific engineering standards.
(g) You shall indemnify the San Fernando City Corporation against all losses and claims in respect of death or injury to any person, or lose of or damage to any property which may arise out or, or in consequence with the works specified and must accept full responsibility for any claims arising thereof.
(h) Public Liability be provided in the sum of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00).
(i) All works must be carried out in accordance with strict Safety Procedures/Codes.
(j) If hoarding is required, an application is to be made to the City Engineer, San Fernando, San Fernando City Corporation giving a detailed drawing of the period that the hoarding is required for.
(k) Proof of Ownership i.e. certified Deed.
(l) If heavy equipment (e.g. excavator) is required to carry out demolition an application must be made to the City Engineer, San Fernando City Corporation requesting permission to bring heavy equipment within the city limits.
(m) You are to provide a descriptive list of the materials arising out of demolition, from which Public Health Department will identify any hazardous material requiring special type of disposal.
(n) A certified safety officer must be present on site during the demolition exercise.
(o) Demolition to be carried out during the hours from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Your application must be addressed to the City Engineer, San Fernando City Corporation giving details on the aforementioned guidelines.
You are to note, that the above approval is conditional and subject to your response in writing, stating that you have accepted the above conditions.
Please be informed that the following are guidelines required for processing application for hoarding / Excavation IN STRICT ACCORDANCE with the terms and conditions hereunder and in conformity with Section125 sub-section (i) and Section 126 sub-section (a) and (b) ofthe Municipal Corporations’ Act (Act No. 21 of 1990); such works are to be carried out asfollows:-
(i) You are to provide a plan showing the location of the hoarding and details showing the cross section for securing same.
(ii) The hoarding that is to be erected must be aesthetically pleasing.
(iii) You must clearly identify the construction limits and advance warning devices and signs placed strategically for the benefit of pedestrians and vehicular traffic, traversing the immediate environs of the work.
(iv) The area must be kept clean, clear and free from debris at all times.
(v) The City Engineer must be provided with a programme of works. Upon completion, a site visit is to be arranged to facilitate an inspection of the remedial works, to ensure that it conforms to the specific engineering standards.
(vi) A Caution Fee in sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) is to be paid in at theCorporation’s Cashier.
(vii) You shall indemnify the San Fernando City Corporation, against all loses and claims in respect of death or injury to any person, or lose of or damage to any property which may arise out of or in consequence with the works specified and must accept full responsibility for any claims arising thereof.
(viii) You are to provide Public Liability as required by the City Engineer.
(ix) All works must be carried out in accordance with strict Safety Procedures / Codes.
Please be informed that the following are guidelines required for processing application for scaffolding IN STRICT ACCORDANCE with the terms and conditions hereunder and in conformity with Section125 sub-section (i) and Section 126 sub-section (a) and (b) of the Municipal Corporations’ Act (Act No. 21 of 1990); such works are to be carried out asfollows:-
(i) You are to provide a plan showing the location of the scaffolding and details for securing same.
(ii) You must clearly identify the work limits and advance warning devices and signs placed strategically for the benefit of pedestrians and vehicular traffic, traversing the immediate environs of the work.
(iii) The area must be kept clean, clear and free from debris at all times.
(iv) The City Engineer must be provided with a programme of works. Upon completion, a site visit is to be arranged to facilitate an inspection of the remedial works, to ensure that it conforms to the specific engineering standards.
(v) You shall indemnify the San Fernando City Corporation, against all loses and claims in respect of death or injury to any person, or lose of or damage to any property which may arise out of or in consequence with the works specified and must accept full responsibility for any claims arising thereof.
(vi) You are to provide Public Liability in the sum of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00).
(vii) Deed of ownership is required.
(viii) All works must be carried out in accordance with strict Safety Procedures / Codes.
- Prior to the construction of the building submission of Form A (Street and Building Ordinance Regulation Schedule VII No. 27 (4) of 1935) should be made.
- Contact Building Inspectors Department prior to the pouring of concrete for foundation, floor slabs, columns etc. upon which inspection certificates will be issued to ensure compliance and enforcement.
- The building should be constructed in accordance with the approved plan by the Town and Country Planning Division and the San Fernando City Corporation with all other relevant approvals where necessary.
- An application form for a Completion Certificate can be collected at the Buildings Department of the San Fernando City Corporation which is to be submitted upon request for the Completion Certificate.
- If a building is constructed contrary to the approved plan, an amended drawing should be submitted to the Town and Country Planning Division and forwarded to the San Fernando City Corporation for re-approval.
- All Public Health requirements should be satisfied.
Please take note of The Municipals Corporation Act No. 21 of 1990
Section 158 (1) Every addition to or alteration of any building within a Municipality, and any other work made or done for any purpose in or upon any such building, shall, so far as regards such alterations or additions, or such other work, be subject to the provisions of the Town and Country Planning Act, to the provisions of this Part and of the building regulations and of any other written law applicable to such Municipality.
(2) A person who without the required consent makes such alterations to a building with the result that the building is not in conformity with the requirements of the Town and Country Planning Act or this Act or the building regulations is, in addition to any other liability he incurs, guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of one thousand five hundred dollars and to a further fine of one hundred and fifty dollars for each day that the offence continues after written notice thereof.
Guidelines to Owners for Construction of buildings within the City of San Fernando.
(In accordance with the Municipal Corporation Act of 1990, Available HERE)
Your attention is directed to the following offenses and their respective penalties, pursuant to the aforementioned Chapter 21 of the Laws of Trinidad and Tobago as amended:
- Breaking up street of pavement of placing any post or other structure on the street without consent [125(1)]
Fine of $5000.00 and $500 for every day that the offense continues
2. Encroaching on any street by erecting any structure or by erecting any fence or bridge or by digging any drain or by doing any works on or adjacent to such street [127(1)]
Fine of $8000.00 and Engineer may remove obstruction.
3. Destroying or defacing a street name sign
Fine of $500.00
4. Erecting any pole or post in a street
Fine of $1000.00 and $100.00 for every day the offense continues
5. Impeding the free flow of water in any drain or watercourse in or adjoining any street or in any drain or watercourse on any land into or through which water from any such street flows
Fine of $1000.00 and $100.00 for every day the offense continues
6. Displaying a sign on or along a building less than 3 meters high from footway and projecting more than 30cm over footway [150(1)]
Fine of $500.00 and $50.00 for every day that offense continues
7. Marking an advertisement on a street of footway [154(1)]
Fine of $500.00 and $50.00 for every day that offense continues
8. Exposing merchandise in such a manner that it projects or hangs over any part of a street [155]
Fine of $500.00 and $50.00 for every day that offense continues
9. Altering or making an addition to a building without conforming to requirements of Town and Country Act and Building Regulations [158(2)]
Fine of $1500.00 and $150.00 for every day that offense continues.
10. Occupying a new building without a certificate from Engineer [161]
Fine of $1000.00 and $100.00 for every day the offense continues.
11. Commencing work in contravention of the relevant laws and failing to comply with notice of Engineer to discontinue work [162(1)(2)]
Fine $1000.00 for every day work continues.
12. Pulling down or removing a building in a city or borough without giving notice to C.E.O [164(3)]
Fine $4000.00
13. Removing a building from a site without paying rates and charges due to the Corporation [166]
Fine $1000.00
14. Erecting or altering a building without plans approved by Council or Contrary to approved plans [168]
Fine of $1000.00 and $100.00 for every day offense continues.
15. Failing to comply with a notice from a Council to altering a building used as a public to offer protection to persons who may resort thereto [172(1)(2)]
Fine of $5000.00 and $500.00 for every day that offense continues.
16. Using a building as public building after receiving a notice from the Council prohibiting such usage [172(5)]
Fine of $5000.00 for every day
17. Failing to comply with the order of a magistrate that:
a.) The Requirements of a notice by the Engineer to demolish a dangerous structure be complied with [175]: or
b.) The requirements of a notice by the Engineer to demolish or repair a dilapidated building be complied with [176]; or
c.) The requirements of a notice by Engineer requiring the owner of a building with structure dangerous to occupiers of any neighbouring building be demolished or repaired [177][Section 179]
Fine $3000.00 and $200.00 for every day of non compliance
18. Occupying the footway or thoroughfareduring building operations or otherwise with scaffolding, hoardings or materials without permission of the Engineer [183]
Fine $500.00 and $50.00 for everyday offense continues [226(1)]