Disaster Management Unit
Disaster Management Units (DMU) were established in each Regional Corporation by Cabinet Minute No.1347 dated May 23rd, 2008 to facilitate all aspects of disaster management and allow for business continuity at the Local Government level.
The San Fernando City Corporation’s Disaster Management Unit became fully functional from March 2009, with the following staff complement:
- One (1) Disaster Management Coordinator
- Two (2) Field Officers
- One (1) Communication Technician
Roles and Responsibilities
SFCC’s DMU operates in all aspects of the Disaster Management Cycle: Mitigation, Preparedness, Response and Recovery, as illustrated in Figure 10 below, responding and coordinating all relief efforts within the jurisdiction of the City of San Fernando.
The roles and responsibilities of the Unit can be grouped according to these four (4) phases of the Disaster Management cycle.
Mitigation includes actions taken to prevent or reduce the cause, impact, and consequences of disasters. The phase differs from the others because it focuses on long-term measures for reducing or eliminating risk. In this capacity, the DMU of SFCC continuously:
- conducts research, evaluate and update policies and plans such as communication plan, emergency response plan, disaster management plan, etc.,
- analyzes and compiles data for decision making relevant to disasters
- assesses the potential risks to the region and make recommendations
- establishes and maintains communication links on a continuous basis with all agencies
The Preparation phase involves planning, training, and educational activities for events that cannot be mitigated. These include:
- development and practice of multi-agency coordination and incident command
- proper training of emergency personnel and capacity building
- development and exercise of emergency warning methods combined with emergency shelters, drills and evacuation plans on a periodic basis
- stockpiling, inventory, and maintenance of supplies and equipment
- hosting of outreach programs, various education/training programmes within schools and communities
The Response phase includes the mobilization of the necessary emergency services and first responders in the disaster area. In this regard, the roles of the DMU include, but is not limited to:
- implementing disaster response plans
- conducting search and rescue missions
- ensuring and maintaining liaison with utility companies to arrange for backup water, power, and telephone services during emergencies
- receiving request for assistance within the Region and directs aid to areas where needed
During the Recovery period, restoration efforts occur concurrently with regular operations and activities. These involve:
- conducting infrastructural damage assessments and submitting respective recommendations for reconstruction
- providing relief packages and grants to critical areas
In an emergency, every second counts and any capable of assisting dramatically increases positive outcomes. Those who can help are heroes to those in need and the DMU for the San Fernando City Corporation is always looking for everyday heroes.
To sign up as a volunteer with the SFCC DMU click HERE